
We’ve Made it a Year! 1st Anniversaries are Fun!

First-Anniversary-of-AlmazDentistryGood morning! I can’t believe its been a year already!

In just one year, we have provided information through 27 posts, a GIGANTIC resource list, guides, and FAQs.

Over the past year has provided information for over a thousand unique individuals. WOW! It amazes me to see how the website has grown since it started last Feburary. I am excited to continue working to improve the experience and I expect the popularity to grow as we continue to post unique content only found here.

On top of our website, the service Ask Elias has been a hit! We have provided counselling services to over 2 dozen individuals over the past year, many of which continue to keep in touch! Keep sending your questions, concerns or comments!

On a side note, a few days back, someone wrote me how useful they found the FAQs about pre-med experience students and applying to dental school as a pre-med. I am happy to see that the website and all of its content has  benefit to someone out there. As I mentioned before, it is utmost important for me to make sure people who are going to dental school KNOW they want to be a dentist.

Have a great day everyone! Enjoy your weekend do something fun with your manos!

A great activity to do for those with superb manual dexterity skills.
A great activity to do for those with superb manual dexterity skills.

By Elias Almaz

I am a dentist in Sacramento, CA. During undergrad, I served as the President of my local Pre-Dental Society and learned the intricacies of the dental admissions process. documents much of what I learned during that time.